Political Upheaval! Violent Protests! Active Shooters! Economic Turmoil!

What better time
to take a...
Director, Producer & Animator of the
Stop Motion Short
The Cookie Cutter!
#MoStopMo Founder David Rocco Facchini talks to Dan and Dana on WGN, promoting the 3rd Annual #MoStopMo Stop Motion Shorts Fest 2022! Visit www.MoStopMo.com for more info!
Show & Tell: The Found Object Sculptures of David Rocco Facchini
Featured on Chicago's WGN Morning News (ABOVE), David Rocco Facchini's found-object sculptures reflect the resourcefulness of repurposing discarded objects and turning them into work of art. His work, (BELOW) has been featured in films, shown in museums, sold in galleries and showcased in festivals around the world.

A Boy's Dying Wish Becomes a Feature Film to Fund Cancer Research
Chris Parrish, the director of Thrill Ride, asked me to fabricate statues of the lead actors for a small budget feature film, written by his 11 year-old son Mason. An avid writer, Mason pitched to his dad, "What if they mixed Goonies and Night at the Museum?" And with that, father and son teamed up to write Thrill Ride! Sadly, Mason succumbed to a rare & little researched pediatric brain tumor at the age of 10 just after completing the screenplay.

As the lone sculptor to create a total of 5 full-body statues, I was up for the challenge, as Thrill Ride is the first ever feature film to be produced where 50% of the profits of the film will go directly to charity! Starring Kristin Johnston (3rd Rock From the Sun) & Tim Kazurinski (SNL/Police Academy)
Thrill Ride - now available on iTunes and Amazon: visit ThrillRideTheFilm.com and TheMasonParrishFoundation.org
Danger & Eggs... & David!
I'm in the Emmy-winning animated series, Danger & Eggs! thanks to my good friend, and series creator Mike Owens

Check out Danger and Eggs on Amazon Prime!

As Art Director for the zombie love story Between The Eyes,
I was tasked with creating practical effects for the end-of-times film. From cool zombie stuff to a fall-out bunker retrofitted into a basement, this story literally starts with a bang! Check the preview!